[*] Stock Firmware: If you are looking for the LG MyTouch Q C800DG Stock Firmware, then head over to the LG Firmware page. function disqus()if(!disqus_loaded)var disqus_shortname="gsmusbdriver";var disqus_url=" -mytouch-q-c800dg";var disqus_identifier=" -mytouch-q-c800dg";var disqus_loaded=false Load Comments Driver Easy (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push(); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push(); Site LinksUniversal Driver
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Huawei mytouch q firmware
3. Added Direct Unlock / Repair IMEI support for firmware versions that won't allow the phone to appear as a USB flash drive (USB disc) when connected to PC in Download Mode.Supported Huawei models:
Firmware File Name: LG_MyTouch_Q_C800VL_LGC800VL_V10X_00_KDZ.zipFirmware File Size: 284 MBDownload Flash Tool: LG Flash Tool DownloadHow to Flash firmware: Guide How to Flash Firmware
[@] Please Take a Backup: Flashing or installing the LG MyTouch Q C800VL Device, then we recommend you to take backup of your personal data from the LG device, as flashing the ROM (firmware) will permanently delete your personal data from the device. LG MyTouch Q C800VLDevice, then we recommend you to take backup of your personal data from the LG device, as flashing the ROM (firmware) will permanently delete your personal data from the device.
[@] Request LG Firmware: If you are looking for any LG specific firmware that is not listed above. Then you can request it through the comment box below (do not request Firmware through the contact page, or else it will be ignored).
All the following LG Stock ROM (zip file) contains the original LG USB Driver, Flash Tool, and the Firmware File. After Downloading the firmware, follow the instruction manual shipped with the firmware to flash or install firmware on mobile.
While in general third-party firmware (Custom ROM) has system bugs and stability issues. In this case, you may experience battery issues, network issues, camera issues, missing features, lags, overheating, slow performance, and many more. But whenever you switch to Stock ROM, you can quickly fix them all.
[*] After flashing (installing) the LG Stock ROM on your device, you may need to flash (install) the IMEI using the IMEI tool provided with the firmware file. If you are going to flash the IMEI, then flash the Original IMEI that comes with your device.
[*] Request Firmware: If you are looking for any specific firmware that is not listed above, you can request it through the comment box below (do not request firmware through the contact page, or else it will be ignored). 2ff7e9595c