This is a fairly decent example of one of the early Italian westerns. It was made before the Leone influence began to dominate, but it still has an unmistakably Euro-western feel to it.The music score is actually pretty good. It has enough cool sounding guitar and organ notes to set it apart from the boring music found in most American westerns. The cheesy dubbing is also here in full force. The movie made me chuckle a few times, which is always a plus, whether the humor is intentional or not.This is a standard good guys vs. bad guys story with a lone ranger-like lead character named Jim Hart, played adequately by Cameron Mitchell. Hart's friend, the man called Guitar, is actually more like the typical spaghetti western protagonist. Neither good nor bad, Guitar is simply out for his own good time. Kitty Carver is stunning as Dolores, the feisty barmaid who becomes Guitar's girlfriend. She has that incredible exotic beauty that so many female spaghetti western characters possess. Livio Lorenzon is entertaining as Jess, the cheesy, over the top villain who keeps laughing through the whole movie, even while he is dying in the finale! It is possible that this film may have been trying to be an American western, but, thankfully, it did not succeed. It's much more entertaining just the way it is. I wouldn't recommend it to everyone, but if you're a die-hard spaghetti western fan who doesn't take things too seriously, this one's worth a watch.
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